Pine Needle Oil

Pine Needle Oil

The oil is obtained by steam distillation of needles and supporting slim pine branches (Pinus silvestris L.). The oil is easily movable light-yellow (yellow-green) liquid with typical pine-like, fresh balsamic scent. The ingredients of the oil are mainly hydrocarbons:...
Juniper Needle Oil

Juniper Needle Oil

The oil is obtained by steam distillation of needles and supporting branches of the juniper plant (Juniper). The oil is easily movable light-yellow (yellow-green) liquid with typical juniper, fresh, balsamic scent. The oil has mainly hydrocarbons: α-pinene, sabinene,...
Juniper Berry Oil

Juniper Berry Oil

The oil is produced by steam distillation of ground juniper berries. The oil is transparent, easily movable liquid with yellow-green colour and typical juniper, pine-like balsamic aroma and bitter, hot and balsamic taste. In the composition of the oil there are mainly...
Thyme Oil

Thyme Oil

The oil is obtained by steam distillation of fresh or dried over-ground parts of thyme (Thymus sp.), perennial semi-shrubs. There are two varieties with industrial significance: garden thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) and common thyme (Thymus serpyllum L.). The oil is...
Savory Оil

Savory Оil

The oil is prepared from the fresh or dried over-ground section of garden Savory (Herba Saturejae Hortensis L.) and mountain Savory (S. Montana L.) Labiatae by steam distillation. Garden Savory oil is yellow (yellow-red) liquid with spice scent typical for Savory and...
Milfoil Oil

Milfoil Oil

The oil is obtained from the fresh or dried sprigs of milfoil (Achillea millefoli). They have grass-like scent with colourful, green and camphor remnants. The oil contains cineol, borneol, α and β-pinene, citrene, myrcene, camphor, caryophyllen, sesquiterpene...