The oil is prepared from the fresh or dried over-ground section of garden Savory (Herba Saturejae Hortensis L.) and mountain Savory (S. Montana L.) Labiatae by steam distillation.
Garden Savory oil is yellow (yellow-red) liquid with spice scent typical for Savory and sharp, soft-stinging spicy flavour. The main ingredient of the oil are phenols (30-42%). The more important of these are р-cymene, carcvarol and thymol.
The mountain Savory oil is light-yellow (yellow-orange) liquid with spicy character with scent and stinging flavour typical for the plant. The ingredients of both Savory oils is the same but the quantity of these ingredients varies broadly due to the variety of sorts and lines.
Application: mainly in food processing industry, marinades, meat and fish tin food, cosmetics related to mouth hygiene and also in medicine (patent medicines with spasmolytic, astringent and bactericide effect).